Guest Terms & Conditions
As a registered guest at Manor Estate you have agreed to the following terms and conditions.
I/We, being registered guests of Manor Estate have confirmed that all details given at registration and check-in are true and correct, including credit card details of which have been voluntarily given for the purpose of charges against it for all accommodation expenses, supplies, transport and services as requested or used by me and hereby also further authorise Manor Estate to debt my Credit Card with all appropriate charges to cover any usage, damage and or loss for which the management deems me/us responsible for including no shows and or any cancellations one booked penalties for breech of contract regarding publishing rights and any unusual degree of damage and or loss as a result of my/our stay.
You agree that any charges for your services to you, not billed at or after the time of your departure will be added to your account for your settlement as arranged.
You agree that the normal check out time is 10am on the date of departure unless we agree to another time. You agree departure after that time may incur additional room charges. You agree that the normal check-in time is between 4 – 5pm and that we may apply a charge if your required check-in time requires us to keep a room vacant on the previous day or if reception staff are required to wait exceeding the usual daily check-in time unless we agree to another time.
You agree to advise us of any change to the number of persons using the suite and agree to pay any additional charges for additional persons not included in the number stated at the time of registration and or booking quotation.
Manor Estate is a non-smoking venue and extra charges will be incurred by smokers.
You agree to remain personally liable to pay the total amount due as a result of your stay.
I/we also understand and agree that no refunds will be given for cancellations or early departures once suites have booked. You agree to pay for any loss or damage to the room or equipment in the room during your period of use. You agree to return the key at the time of departure and agree to pay a charge for replacement of keys you lose or fail to return.
I/we also agree that Manor Estate is situated on extensive grounds and that although due care is taken by Manor Estate for the maintenance of the grounds to which you have access to I/we do so solely at my/our own risk as many factors such as wildlife, farm maintenance areas and the existence of water features exist.
I/we also acknowledge that marble and porcelain floors and spa baths are used extensively in particular areas of the accommodation suites and that these can become slippery and or filled with water and we acknowledge that we use these areas again solely at my/our own risk.
I/we also confirm unequivocally that during our stay that I/we stay solely at my/our own risk and redeem Manor Estate and or its associate entities and or partners to any claim of compensation whatsoever due to any accident, illness or injury.
I/we also agree not to write, publish and or authorise to be published any photos and or any reviews for public access unless strictly authorised in writing by Manor Estate and that this is part of the legal and binding Terms and Conditions of our agreement.
By entering into the payment arrangement I/we agree that the terms and conditions have been understood and agreed to and as such I/we agree to be bound by these and that fines and or charges will be imposed for any breach or non-fulfilment of these terms and conditions.
On the signing of the registration form electronically and or in person or by placing a booking online and or through reservations by phone I/we also confirm to be bound by these terms and conditions.